Q . Where are soccer practices held ?
A. Most practices are at the Stoutsville Soccer complex. We are now located across Cemetary street from where we held practices before. We are now by the playground. On occasion there are some teams with a coach that also coaches for the AC middle school or high school soccer teams, and they have held practices at the school. Q . When are the practices ? A. Practice days and times are at the discretion of each of our volunteer coaches to fit their availability. The PK-1 league usually has 1 practice per week and some may have a second. The 2-3 grade league practices 2 times per week. The 4-5-6 grade league is 2 per week. These days and times will not be known until mid August. Practices typically begin one week before the first week of school. Q. When and Where are the games played? A. Games are on Saturdays at the Stoutsville Soccer complex. The first game is typically the Saturday after school begins. The last game is typically in early October. In order to further enhance the quality of our league, it is possible that some games MAY be scheduled against teams from other local soccer rec leagues and involve traveling a short distance. Q. Can I request a coach or request teammates during registration? A. YES, you may indicate a coaching preference on your form. You may also indicate on your form that your child would like to be on the same team as another child for practice carpooling purposes etc. *We will make every attempt to honor these requests, but CANNOT guarantee them. *Timely registration forms will receive priority in completing requests. Q. My child really loves soccer. How can he/she get really good at it? A. This volunteer “everyone plays league” will provide a platform for players to improve, but just your child practicing with their team one to two days per week is really not enough to significantly improve during the season. We recommend parents encourage and participate with their child in practice sessions at home. Even if you know nothing about soccer, we recommend watching some of the drills at practice and then doing them with your child at home. The important thing is daily touches on the ball. We will also post links to camps and other additional soccer training on our website. Q. Does your league offer Spring Soccer? A. Not usually, but this past year for Spring 2021, we did as we weren't able to have a Fall 2020 league due to Covid restrictions. We will discuss this on an annual basis and if we choose to offer AC teams, we will play in the Lancaster Parks and Rec league. If you are willing to coach in the Spring league, please contact us. |